Privacy policy

Roberts York Limited is committed to protecting the privacy of anyone using our site and the confidentiality of any information that you provide us with. The purpose of this statement is to set out how we use any personal information that we may obtain from you.

This document refers to personal data, which is defined as information concerning any living person (a natural person who hereafter will be called the Data Subject) that is not already in the public domain.

​The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) seeks to protect and enhance the rights of data subjects. These rights cover the safeguarding of personal data, protection against the unlawful processing of personal data and the unrestricted movement of personal data within the EU. It should be noted that GDPR does not apply to information already in the public domain.


​This document refers to personal data, which is defined as information concerning any living person (a natural person who hereafter will be called the Data Subject) that is not already in the public domain.

​The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) seeks to protect and enhance the rights of data subjects. These rights cover the safeguarding of personal data, protection against the unlawful processing of personal data and the unrestricted movement of personal data within the EU. It should be noted that GDPR does not apply to information already in the public domain.

Personal Data

Roberts York Limited uses the information collected from you to provide quotations, make telephone contact and to email you marketing information which Roberts York Limited believes may be of interest to you and your business. In you making initial contact you consent to Roberts York Limited maintaining a marketing dialogue with you until you either opt out (which you can do at any stage) or we decide to desist in promoting our services. Roberts York Limited also acts on behalf of its clients in the capacity of data processor. When working exclusively as a data processor, Roberts York Limited will be acting on the instruction of its client and will work hard to ensure that the client is fully GDPR compliant.​

Some personal data may be collected about you from the forms and surveys you complete, from records of our correspondence and phone calls and details of your visits to our website, including but not limited to personally identifying information like Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. Roberts York Limited may from time to time use such information to identify its visitors. Roberts York Limited may also collect statistics about the behavior of visitors to its website.

​The Roberts York Limited website uses cookies, which is a string of information that a website stores on a visitor’s computer, and that the visitor’s browser provides to the website each time the visitor returns. The website uses cookies to help Roberts York Limited identify and track visitors and their website access preferences. Roberts York Limited website visitors who do not wish to have cookies placed on their computers should set their browsers to refuse cookies before using Roberts York Limited website.

​Any information Roberts York Limited holds about you and your business encompasses all the details we hold about you and any sales transactions including any third-party information we have obtained about you from public sources and our own suppliers such as credit referencing agencies.

​Roberts York Limited will only collect the information needed so that it can provide you with marketing and consulting services, this agency does not sell or broker your data, although coincidentally there may be times when your information could be contained in data that Roberts York Limited has purchased from a third-party list broker, on behalf of a client.

How do we collect personal data?

​Directly. We obtain personal data directly from individuals in a variety of ways, including obtaining personal data from individuals who provide us their business card, complete our online forms, subscribe to our newsletters and preference centre, register for webinars, attend meetings or events we host, visit our offices or apply for open roles. We may also obtain personal data directly when, for example, we are establishing a business relationship, performing professional services through a contract, or through our hosted software applications. 

Indirectly. We obtain personal data indirectly about individuals from a variety of sources, including recruitment services and our clients. We may attach personal data to our customer relationship management records to better understand and serve our business clients, subscribers and individuals, satisfy a legal obligation, or pursue our legitimate interests. 

Public sources -- Personal data may be obtained from public registers (such as Companies House), news articles, sanctions list, and Internet searches.

Social and professional networking sites -- If you register or login to our websites using social media (e.g., LinkedIn, Google, or Twitter) to authenticate your identity and connect your social media login information with us, we will collect information or content needed for the registration or login that you permitted your social media provider to share with us. That information may include your name and email address and depending on your privacy settings, additional details about you, so please review the privacy controls on the applicable service to set how much information you want shared with us.

Business clients -- Our business clients may engage us to perform professional services which involves sharing personal data they control as part of that engagement. For example, we will review payroll data as part of an audit and we often need to use personal data to provide global mobility and pension services. Our services may also include processing personal data under our clients’ control on our hosted software applications, which may be governed by different privacy terms and policies.

Recruitment services. We may obtain personal data about candidates from an employment agency, and other parties including former employers, and credit reference agencies.

What categories of personal data do we collect?​

We may obtain the following categories of personal data about individuals through direct interactions with us, or from information provided through client engagements, from applicants, our suppliers and through other situations including those described in this Privacy Policy.

Personal data. Here is a list of personal data we commonly collect to conduct our business activities. 

Contact details (e.g., name, company name, job title, work and mobile telephone numbers, work and personal email and postal address).

Professional details (e.g., job and career history, educational background and professional memberships, published articles). 

Family and beneficiary details for insurance and pension planning services (e.g., names and dates of birth).

Financial information (e.g., taxes, payroll, investment interests, pensions, assets, bank details, insolvency records).

Sensitive personal data. We typically do not collect sensitive or special categories of personal data about individuals. When we do need to process sensitive personal data, it is with the consent of the individual unless it is obtained indirectly for legitimate purposes. Examples of sensitive personal data we may obtain include:

Dietary restrictions or access requirements when registering for in-person events that reveal religious beliefs or physical health.

Personal identification documents that may reveal race or ethnic origin, and possibly biometric data of private individuals, beneficial owners of corporate entities, or applicants.

Expense receipts submitted for individual tax or accounting advice that reveal affiliations with trade unions or political opinions.

Adverse information about potential or existing clients and applicants that may reveal criminal convictions or offences information.

Information provided to us by our clients in the course of a professional engagement.

Child data. Although we do not intentionally collect information from individuals under 13 years of age, we may occasionally receive details about children attending performances and other events we host with their parents or guardians (e.g., arena hospitality suites, galas, art exhibits). 

Location-based data. We may process geographical locations you enter when seeking an office near you.


We take the security of all the data we hold very seriously.  We adhere to internationally recognised security standards and our information security management system relating to client confidential data is independently certified as complying with the requirements of GDPR.  We have a framework of policies, procedures and training in place covering data protection, confidentiality and security and regularly review the appropriateness of the measures we have in place to keep the data we hold secure.

​Legal basis for processing any personal data

​To meet Roberts York Limited contractual obligations to clients and to also respond to marketing enquiries.

​Legitimate interests pursued by Roberts York Limited and/or its clients

​To promote the marketing and consulting services offered by Roberts York Limited and/or to market the services and/or products offered by Roberts York Limited’s existing clients.

Google will use personal data when consent is given in line with Google’s Privacy and Terms site.


Through agreeing to this privacy notice you are consenting to Roberts York Limited processing your personal data for the purposes outlined. You can withdraw consent at any time by emailing or writing to us, see last section for full contact details.

Use of Cookies

​A “cookie” is a bite-sized piece of data that is stored on your computer’s hard drive. They are used by nearly all websites and do not harm your system. We use them to track your activity to help ensure you get the smoothest possible experience when visiting our website. We can use the information from cookies to ensure we present you with options tailored to your preferences on your next visit. We can also use cookies to analyse traffic and for advertising purposes.

How to reject cookies

​If you don’t want to receive cookies that are not strictly necessary to perform basic features of our site, you may choose to opt-out by changing your browser settings

​Most web browsers will accept cookies but if you would rather we didn’t collect data in this way you can choose to accept all or some or reject cookies in your browser’s privacy settings. However, rejecting all cookies means that you may not be able to take full advantage of all our website’s features. Each browser is different, so check the “Help” menu of your browser to learn how to change your cookie preferences.

​For more information generally on cookies, including how to disable them, please refer to You will also find details on how to delete cookies from your computer.


Roberts York Limited may on occasions pass your Personal Information to third parties exclusively to process work on its behalf. Roberts York Limited requires these parties to agree to process this information based on our instructions and requirements consistent with this Privacy Notice and GDPR.

​Roberts York Limited do not broker or pass on information gained from your engagement with the agency without your consent. However, Roberts York Limited may disclose your Personal Information to meet legal obligations, regulations or valid governmental request. The agency may also enforce its Terms and Conditions, including investigating potential violations of its Terms and Conditions to detect, prevent or mitigate fraud or security or technical issues; or to protect against imminent harm to the rights, property or safety of Roberts York Limited its clients and/or the wider community.

Retention Policy

​Roberts York Limited will process personal data during the duration of any contract and will continue to store only the personal data needed for ten years after the contract has expired to meet any legal obligations. After ten years any personal data not needed will be deleted.

Data storage

​Data is held in United Kingdom using different (multiple) servers. Roberts York Limited does not store personal data outside the EEA.

Your rights as a data subject

At any point whilst Roberts York Limited is in possession of or processing your personal data, all data subjects have the following rights:

Right of access – you have the right to request a copy of the information that we hold about you.

Right of rectification – you have a right to correct data that we hold about you that is inaccurate or incomplete.

Right to be forgotten – in certain circumstances you can ask for the data we hold about you to be erased from our records.

Right to restriction of processing – where certain conditions apply you have a right to restrict the processing.

Right of portability – you have the right to have the data we hold about you transferred to another organization.

Right to object – you have the right to object to certain types of processing such as direct marketing.

Right to object to automated processing, including profiling – you also have the right not to be subject to the legal effects of automated processing or profiling.

​In the event that Roberts York Limited refuses your request under rights of access, we will provide you with a reason as to why, which you have the right to legally challenge.

​Roberts York Limited at your request can confirm what information it holds about you and how it is processed.

​You can request the following information:​

Identity and the contact details of the person or organization (Roberts York Limited) that has determined how and why to process your data.

Contact details of the data protection officer, where applicable.

The purpose of the processing as well as the legal basis for processing.

If the processing is based on the legitimate interests of Roberts York Limited or a third party such as one of its clients, information about those interests.

The categories of personal data collected, stored and processed.

Recipient(s) or categories of recipients that the data is/will be disclosed to.

How long the data will be stored.

Details of your rights to correct, erase, restrict or object to such processing.

Information about your right to withdraw consent at any time.

How to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority (Data Protection Regulator).

Whether the provision of personal data is a statutory or contractual requirement, or a requirement necessary to enter into a contract, as well as whether you are obliged to provide the personal data and the possible consequences of failing to provide such data.

The source of personal data if it wasn’t collected directly from you.

Any details and information of automated decision making, such as profiling, and any meaningful information about the logic involved, as well as the significance and expected consequences of such processing.

To access what personal data is held, identification will be required​

Roberts York Limited will accept the following forms of ID when information on your personal data is requested: a copy of your national ID card, driving license, passport, birth certificate and a utility bill not older than three months. A minimum of one piece of photographic ID listed above and a supporting document is required. If Roberts York Limited is dissatisfied with the quality, further information may be sought before personal data can be released.​

All requests should be made to or by phoning 07931 207772 or writing to us at the address further below.​


​In the event that you wish to make a compliant about how your personal data is being processed by Roberts York Limited or its partners, you have the right to complain to Roberts York Limited Director. If you do not get a response within 30 days you can complain to the Data Protection Regulator.

The details for each of these contacts are:

Roberts York Limited attention of the Director

York House, 4A Highfield Gardens, Liss, Hampshire, GU33 7NQ

Telephone 07931 207772 or email

Data Protection Regulator

Information Governance department

Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane




Telephone 0303 123 1113 or email: